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Columns Indian Express

Poor, Powerless Police

April 8, 2013

Can we agree to vote only for parties that promise to implement the police reforms?

Dear readers: I congratulate those among you who do not have their children in the police force of this great country and I commiserate with those parents whose children have become policemen and policewomen either through legitimate means (UPSC examinations?) or through less savory means (bribing the minister in charge of police recruitment!). According to the eleventh-eleventh amendment of the Indian Constitution, our honorable Executive Branch is required to so conduct affairs of state that policemen need to be beaten by legislators, policewomen need to be harassed by mobs and senior police officers need to be killed in a manner where the principal accused have unshakeable alibis for being hundreds of miles away from the scene of the crime.

For more details please visit : https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/poor-powerless-police/

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