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The Print

Sri Lanka-type abyss in India? It’s a fantasy of the Left that can only be dismissed

26 July, 2022

India’s sobriety and balanced approach has been a complete contrast to Sri Lanka and ranks as one of the better national economic policies anywhere in the world.

All the lefties in India — please note I do not call them left-liberal intellectuals as they are not liberal and are far from being intellectual — are having a field day predicting that India is about to repeat a Sri Lanka. These lefties have friends ensconced in US universities who urged Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman to spend more during the days of Covid-19 pandemic. Thank God she did not listen to them. We are all beneficiaries of her sobriety and fiscal rectitude.

To read more : https://theprint.in/opinion/sri-lanka-type-abyss-in-india-its-a-fantasy-of-the-left-that-can-only-be-dismissed-2/1053678/

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