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Columns The Print

The Spirit Of My Great-Grandfather, A Shareholder Of Air India, Is Now Resurrected

October 16, 2021 By resurrecting Air India, the present dispensation has finally undone the mistake that we can attribute to Nehru and his advisors. My great-grandfather Singanallur Narayanachar Anandathirtha Rao was a junior employee in the judicial department of the Madras Presidency. Despite not being a college graduate, he managed to get “promoted” by virtue of […]


The Mahatma And His Economic Worldview

Oct 05, 2021 Free India has ignored Gandhi’s Nai Talim. I have argued that this is a mistake. Nai Talim — with its emphasis on eye-hand coordination, development of motor skills (as explored by Maria Montessori, a friend of Gandhi’s) and implied left brain-right brain balance — actually can set right the excessive focus on […]


Book Excerpt: In Economist Gandhi, An Exploration Of How The Mahatma Grappled With Identity Politics

Oct 02, 2021 The book examines Mahatma Gandhi’s economic philosophy, shedding light on why he needs to be looked at as a management guru. Entrepreneur and writer Jaithirth Rao’s book Economist Gandhi: The Roots and the Relevance of the Political Economy of the Mahatma examines Mahatma Gandhi’s economic philosophy, shedding light on why he needs to be looked […]

Columns The Print

Gandhi Was Like Adam Smith In His Thinking. But Gandhian Studies Won’t Tell You This

September 26, 2021 Books written for students of economics and management make no references to Mahatma Gandhi. The losers are the students. Gandhi, with his encyclopedic range of interests, has much to say that can be treated as complementary to mainstream economics and management theories, or as even an intrinsic part of them. His contributions, […]