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Columns The Print

60 Years Ago, A Right Liberal Swatantra Party Had Challenged Nehru’s Socialist Raj

June 08, 2019 The Swatantra Party, founded by C Rajagopalachari, was a glorious enterprise. It fought the Nehru-Mahalanobis economic model, which assumed that commissars in Yojana Bhavan knew better than ordinary citizens, entrepreneurs, traders, farmers. Its leader, who was popular as Rajaji, coined the expression “Permit-Licence Raj” to describe a dispensation more intrusively tyrannical than […]

Columns The Print

We Can’t Do Away With Bank Scams. But We Can Aim For An India Where They Are Fewer

February 21, 2018 Money is about accounting entries. Modern scams are all about stealing accounting entries, when the system has a ‘reconcilement’ problem. Looking back on different financial sector scandals in different countries at different times, where one has had the outlandish privilege of a microscopic view, one is struck by a distraught sense of […]

Columns Swarajya

Networks Rule

Feb 9, 2018 Niall Ferguson has emerged as one of the finest historians of recent times. His ability to avoid fashionable leftist jargon, look with equal ease upon broad patterns as well as upon individual contributions, and his humanist concerns, all lead to his emergence as a scholar and a stylish writer in the tradition […]

Columns The Print

When Maharajas, Business Tycoons And Peasant Leaders Joined The Mundu-Clad Rajaji To Form The Swatantra Party

04 February, 2018 Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was a scholarly south Indian, and a classy writer in Tamil and in English. His sentences were short, chaste and lucid. His thoughts had a luminous integrity about them. He was the first to articulate the fact that we had a new tyranny in our fair land. The post-Avadi “Permit-License […]

Columns The Print

Trump Is Not Nuts, He Is Presiding Over The Highest Growth Rates In Recent Times

December 13, 2017 The Left-Liberal NYT-CNN-BBC-Guardian-Economist consensus that many Indians have bought into about Trump simply does not hold water. Either because he says and does the right things, or because he is lucky (and who can disparage fortune), Trump is presiding over the highest growth rates in recent times, the lowest inflation rates and […]