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Columns Indian Express

An American Master

November 4, 2014 Pulitzer-winner Vijay Seshadri is a worthy intellectual and artistic descendant of Melville. Prizes are universally looked down upon by those who have a self-imposed sense of intellectual arrogance. After all, Orwell or Auden never got the Nobel — the best argument in our armoury. But I am now retracting a bit. Prizes […]

Columns Indian Express

Respected Pradhan Mantriji

November 14, 2013 A letter Rahul Gandhi didn’t write to Manmohan Singh but could have. I want to bring to your attention the current nonsensical travel policy of our government. Our great scientific genius, Shri Jairam Rameshji, after consulting various hysterical NGOs rather than scientists, has come to the conclusion that Bt Brinjal should be […]

Columns Indian Express

Poor, Powerless Police

April 8, 2013 Can we agree to vote only for parties that promise to implement the police reforms? Dear readers: I congratulate those among you who do not have their children in the police force of this great country and I commiserate with those parents whose children have become policemen and policewomen either through legitimate […]