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Columns The Print

By Destroying Statues And Equating Black Lives With Indian Muslims, Leftists Scoring Self-Goal

June 16, 2020 Police brutality and institutionalized racism are tragic problems that beset American society. At least, in the US, there is open discussion on the subject. Something that does not happen in China’s Xinjiang province, which used to be called East Turkestan in the not so distant past. The American problems, I am convinced, […]

Columns The Print

Amartya Sen & Jean Drèze Are Left Heroes But It Would Be Wrong To Call Them Simple Statists

November 08 , 2019 History overtook intellectual fashions. The Berlin Wall fell, the Soviet Union collapsed and India was faced with multiple crises characterized by high inflation, low growth, dwindling foreign trade and an impossible balance of payments situation. Willy-nilly, India adopted some aspects of so-called neo-liberalism – lower tariffs, fiscal discipline, elimination of an […]

Columns The Print

Why Self-Determination For Kashmir Would Have Meant Autonomy Only For Extremists

August 20, 2019 Recent events in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh have forced us all to revisit the tenets of national or sub-national self-determination. In 1919, American President Woodrow Wilson articulated the rosy liberal vision of self-determination for national, sub-national, ethnic, linguistic, religious and racial groups. Conservatives, who were concerned with empirical, on-ground realities, rather than […]

Columns The Print

60 Years Ago, A Right Liberal Swatantra Party Had Challenged Nehru’s Socialist Raj

June 08, 2019 The Swatantra Party, founded by C Rajagopalachari, was a glorious enterprise. It fought the Nehru-Mahalanobis economic model, which assumed that commissars in Yojana Bhavan knew better than ordinary citizens, entrepreneurs, traders, farmers. Its leader, who was popular as Rajaji, coined the expression “Permit-Licence Raj” to describe a dispensation more intrusively tyrannical than […]

Columns The Print

We Can’t Do Away With Bank Scams. But We Can Aim For An India Where They Are Fewer

February 21, 2018 Money is about accounting entries. Modern scams are all about stealing accounting entries, when the system has a ‘reconcilement’ problem. Looking back on different financial sector scandals in different countries at different times, where one has had the outlandish privilege of a microscopic view, one is struck by a distraught sense of […]

Columns The Print

When Maharajas, Business Tycoons And Peasant Leaders Joined The Mundu-Clad Rajaji To Form The Swatantra Party

04 February, 2018 Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was a scholarly south Indian, and a classy writer in Tamil and in English. His sentences were short, chaste and lucid. His thoughts had a luminous integrity about them. He was the first to articulate the fact that we had a new tyranny in our fair land. The post-Avadi “Permit-License […]