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Conservative triumph in New Zealand has a crucial lesson for India – reject ‘guilt’

20 October, 2023

It is high time that the Indian middle class completely reject accusations that we are bigoted, casteist, majoritarian and so on.

In the middle of all the tragic news from Israel, two heartwarming news items should not be missed. The electorate in New Zealand has decisively thrown out Labour and voted in Conservatives. The Australians have convincingly rejected an absurd, divisive, guilt-ridden, woke proposition put out on referendum. Conservatives everywhere should rejoice. This might just be the beginning of not just winning in the political arena, but of reclaiming for the conservative cause lost territories in the universities, in the larger academic world, in journalism and, perhaps, even in bureaucracies.

To read more : https://theprint.in/opinion/conservative-triumph-in-new-zealand-australia-has-a-crucial-lesson-for-india-reject-guilt/1808702/?amp

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