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The Print

Did we ‘win’ our freedom or the British ‘gave’ it to us? Reading history from diplomats’ lens


It’s time to pay tribute to former diplomats Chandrashekhar Dasgupta and Narendra Sarila by maintaining an Arjuna-like focus on defending and embellishing our national agency.

In post-independence India, former diplomats Chandrashekhar Dasgupta and Narendra Sarila emerged as eminent and important historians. The chronicling of the 20th-century India would be poorer in the absence of their works. Additionally, we would have missed out on facts and analyses of enormous significance.

To read more : https://theprint.in/opinion/did-we-win-our-freedom-or-the-british-gave-it-to-us-reading-history-from-diplomats-lens/1788776/?amp



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