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The Print

Leftists in India and US are same, use words like majoritarian-minoritarian to suit their needs

12 September, 2022

If you are opposed to Leftists, be it in India or US, you are almost certainly correct

I have now been in the US for a few weeks, watching the verbal gymnastics going on here. In India, the Leftists keep telling us about the horrors of “majoritarianism”. Incidentally, given my limited understanding of Left-related terms, I have never understood what ‘majoritarianism’ means. I have always assumed that the will of the majority prevails—that is what was considered acceptable in Periclean Athens. Citizens—which admittedly did not include all persons—were expected to prevail. But apparently, in contemporary India, this is not such a good idea according to Leftists who monopolise our academia and are strong on social media. In their opinion, it’s the minority they represent that should prevail.

To Read More : https://theprint.in/opinion/leftists-in-india-and-us-are-same-use-words-like-majoritarian-minoritarian-to-suit-their-needs/1119595/

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