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Neither Bombay Nor Surat, Why Mahatma Gandhi Chose To Finally Settle In Ahmedabad

Oct 02, 2021

On his return to India, Gandhi could have chosen to settle down in Porbandar, where he was born, or in Bombay, whose citizens seemed inordinately fond of this South African returnee. His choice of Ahmedabad is quite interesting. Porbandar would have cramped him. Firstly, it was too small and too unimportant a place for a man who had large aspirations and ambitions, such as taking on the most powerful empire in the world. But there was an even more proximate reason, given that Gandhi was primarily interested in political action.

For more details please visit : https://www.news18.com/news/opinion/neither-bombay-nor-surat-why-mahatma-gandhi-chose-to-finally-settle-in-ahmedabad-4273001.html

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