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Columns The Print

On Pakistan, ‘Non-Yale’ ‘Non-Harvard’ Trump Found The Courage To Call A Spade A Spade

January 04, 2018

Trump understands that the American people are very angry about aid being given to “ungrateful” recipients.

The chattering classes among Indians who take their cues from the decrepit portals of the New York Times or the BBC are now in for a surprise. This so-called “buffoon” Donald Trump has started the New Year with a brilliant anti-Pakistan tweet. At least on Twitter, Shri Trump does not mince his words. He talks about Pakistani deceit and about how American leaders have been fooled. In some sense, the Dubya Bush and Obama administrations and all the Pakistan-lovers in the State Department have much to answer for.

For more details please visit : https://theprint.in/opinion/donald-trump-call-spade-spade-with-pakistan/26166/

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