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Columns Indian Express

Respected Pradhan Mantriji

November 14, 2013

A letter Rahul Gandhi didn’t write to Manmohan Singh but could have.

I want to bring to your attention the current nonsensical travel policy of our government. Our great scientific genius, Shri Jairam Rameshji, after consulting various hysterical NGOs rather than scientists, has come to the conclusion that Bt Brinjal should be banned both in India and Bharat. He has also ensured with his usual brilliance that all other GM-Bt food crops will not be grown in our great country. He missed out on Bt Cotton, which our farmers have enthusiastically adopted. Our cotton production has gone up tremendously in recent years. But that is not relevant now.

For more details please visit : https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/respected-pradhan-mantriji/

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