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Columns The Print

When Maharajas, Business Tycoons And Peasant Leaders Joined The Mundu-Clad Rajaji To Form The Swatantra Party

04 February, 2018

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was a scholarly south Indian, and a classy writer in Tamil and in English. His sentences were short, chaste and lucid. His thoughts had a luminous integrity about them. He was the first to articulate the fact that we had a new tyranny in our fair land. The post-Avadi “Permit-License Raj”, as he described it, was fast becoming more irksome than the British Raj had ever been.

For more details please visit : https://theprint.in/opinion/when-maharajas-business-tycoons-and-peasant-leaders-joined-the-mundu-clad-rajaji-to-form-the-swatantra-party/33246/

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